No riots here, too cold

Post often they say.

Getting cold, freezing.  Maybe 8″ of snow Thursday. Yep. Talkin about the weather…

Today’s listening selection, for news:

Educational listening:

I learned straightening and tightening a schrader valve on my Big Buddy propane heater hose can fix a no gas to heater issue.

I probably learned something else, but forgot.

Any bets on Snowpocolypse 2.0 this year?

Road trip, cont.

And a pic of the great pairing of MRE + JetBoil whilst camping on one of my overnight stays on my road trip out west. The JetBoil should be standard field issue.


As a Marine, I thought it necessary to take a pic of the Devil Dog Road exit in Arizona.



I can’t pass up snapping some pictures of cool old cars. If only I had Jay Leno’s budget…



The sunset heading west on I-40 in Arizona is a sight not to be missed, especially with a few clouds above the horizon with the setting sun illuminating the underside.



Road trip

On my road trip out west, driving through TX right now. Hopefully, when I get stopped for the night , I can work on my site and update it with some pictures, blog, maybe even videos.
Till then, send your questions! ( on the reply, I guess for now, until I get email up)



